I pretty much agree with Dickie. I always carry. I don't think I'm Mr Super Tactical but I hit what I aim at. I ignore all gun free zone signs. If I need to be there then my gun is coming also. Army I didn't get your comment. The AR would be nice but 25 or 30 handguns in hands that knew how to use them would have been nice. I don't go places that I believe put myself or family at risk. I don't feel like I'm restricting myself. I still go to the movie theater. Wife and I go about once a month. I've told her , shooting starts , lay down. Get out of my way. I'm not running. My thing is , don't vote anti gun and then cry to the world that someone shot at you. We all know if you ban guns then only the criminals and police will have one. Have you ever seen a cop when you needed one?? Response time in my neck of the woods can be an hour. It will be over long before then. My advice , sit close to an exit , remain vigilant , its called condition yellow. When you suspect a problem , condition orange , have a plan of action already thought out. If the shyt hits the fan , enact that plan , condition red. In other words when you walk in a building don't just walk in with your thumb up your azz. Look around , take note of the exits , sit where you can see the whole room if possible. Its not that difficult. Just knowing your surroundings can save your life. Last but not least , buy a gun , learn how to use it proficiently , carry it wherever you go. Don't talk about it , don't show it to your buddy and don't brag that you carry. Its a lifestyle not a way to make you look big to your buddies.