Condolences to the families of the slain officers and to the families of the 2 black gentlemen recently killed in what would seem senseless killings by police officers. Not to turn this into a political thing but it seems race relations in this country have taken a sht over the past eight years, was probably actually always bad, but the election of a black man gave some hope that never materialized .

My brother is a cop, by his own admission, the new breed of cop is different than then when he started out, exactly what that means, I am not sure but can speculate and these are certainly different times and God knows, I would not want the job.

Our country is being torn apart from the inside. Our government is bringing in people that hate us and haters are being raised before our eyes as black American children see how there race is being treated and average white Americans, once again, that are not directly, part of the problem , will be negatively effected by the outcome.

Conspiracy theories will abound. In light of what has been going on w/the government I put NOTHING past our government.

Just the thoughts of a bugger eating moron from Wi.