For all of you California Second Amendment supporters, please follow this link to find a Citizens Veto signing location nearest to you and your Pro-2A friends. Sign the petitions to get the referendums on the ballot and then vote the anti-2A laws down BEFORE THEY GO INTO EFFECT. Tell Sacramento to STOP INFRINGING ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

This is the first time this has been attempted in California to Veto Jerry Brown's draconian assault on the Second Amendment. It is a two prong approach.

1) Sign the pen and ink legally binding petitions to get the referendums on the next ballot.

Note: California does not recognize web petitions (e.g. NRA, FPC,, etc.), they have no legal weight in the California legislature. These pen & ink petitions do.

2) Vote the new anti-Second Amendment laws out before they go into effect.

California is the anti-2A role model for the rest of the USA. We need to stop them here before they are adopted in free states.

Here is a recent write up from Fox News:


Barry Bahrami (San Diego CEO responsible for on Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler on OAN 9/1/16:


We have come together and formed “VETO GUNMAGEDDON, CITIZENS OF CALIFORNIA WHO ARE OPPOSED TO PROPOSITION 63, ASSEMBLY BILLS 1135, 1511, 1695, 857 AND SENATE BILLS 880, 1235 AND 1446.  FPPC#1387279”.