Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
...and Trump has done more, than the narcissist asshole that was given a Nobel Peace prize 8 years ago, for doing absolutely nothing.
How soon we forget that Mr. Obama broke the glass ceiling in this country when a man of color was ELECTED to the highest position in the country.
How many of US have achieved that status?
How soon we forget the racist rhetoric and behaviors by a house and senate that followed his election when my good fellow republicans made it priority #1 to prevent a second term in office by stonewalling Mr. Obama as much as possible?
This country must be governed from the center to be a government of the people and by the people and for the people - my republican party basically fell apart when it got into bed with the religious right many moons ago.

If it is to be a United States it is OUR duty to support and help each president in office move the country (and as many people within the country) forward. 4 years later we can decide and choose a different leader if we do not like the direction things are going - but we have to support the one put in place by the people - otherwise what's the point of a republic a democracy?

The real issue is the nuts we elect as governers, congressman and senators - their the ones taking all the money from the lobbyists for little to no work at all. Their the ones voting themselves pay raises while most Americans have gone without. Get rid of those butt heads.