I recently highsided off my Shadow on the 19th of December. Due to the low speed, which was less than 30mph, I did not roll when I hit. I hit squarely on my shoulder, fracturing my clavicle where it connects to the shoulder blade in the back. I went in for x-rays twice, and just had my second CT scan today. The tech asked me what I did to "smash up my shoulder so bad", so I am thinking that, when I go back to Orthopedics on Friday, the Doc will have more bad news for me.

I was wearing a River Road leather jacket with "armor" in the shoulders, elbows, and back. As it turns out, the "armor" was foam. Had I been wearing a jacket with actual CE-level armor, the damage might have been less. I have since ordered a Rev'It Sand 3 jacket, as I wanted an "all-in-one" for all season riding, and it has CE-2 armor. It ships in March, so if I am back on the bike by then I will let you know how it works out.