Jeb Bush ? We were soooo tired of the Bush dynasty and the Clinton dynasty.( he was as confident of winning as Hilary...EARLY ON).. DTrain ...for a new guy here ....Ive been sitting back just kibitzing and it sure seems you sure get off pushing everybody's buttons (especially if that person displays a conservative lean) whilst boasting you've moderated a very popular HD Site in the past, and know how to navigate thru all our BS. I have to ask....why join a group and antagonize and push buttons ? Do you just get off on that kind of thing? Why not join a group be try and be part of it? Not meaning, bend to things you don't agree with but be part of said group. I read thru our site and think ...I wish I was in this area of the country to take a ride with so and so but sure don't feel the love with someone so ready to start a verbal fight at every turn of a subject.