Good insight by all.

Not sure why the doubters doubt...I think the only time I have dropped below 40 was during Oct. 2015, when it was new and the temps were cold.

Must be the way we drive these things because I doubt there's any difference in how these bikes were built, considering the consistent quality and performance across the GW lineup.

I typically get better than predicted gas mileage on all of my vehicles, including boats and sleds.

"Driving it easy" is very subjective. This is what my typical run looks like: I shift between 1800-2500 rpm most of the time; I rev it 3500 every ten shifts or so, based on traffic; rarely ream on it (perhaps once per tank full when the urge strikes). I do not have an agenda for these shift points - just the way I like to ride.

Perhaps the biggest factor is that I rarely ride less than 30 miles per trip. My ride to work is 37 miles each way and its not often I bother to put on all the gear for a 5 mile ride.

Anyway, I will keep monitoring fuel economy just because I like to. I will check back in with any changes.

45 mpg is impressive from a six cylinder engine in a 900 lb VStar 1100 typically got 50 mpg with a 19" windshield, 48 with the 21"...a bike with four fewer cylinders, 700 less cc's, and 300 fewer lbs of bike.