I'm 60 miles south of the first Hwy 1 slide called the Mud Creek slide and live one block off Hwy 1. I have in the past...during my working days as a heavy equipment operator(31 yrs) spent a few months working Hwy 1 slides and know that them hills will keep coming down for a long time.
I rode up to Ragged Point a few days ago, but could not get close to the first slide to see it.
I'm going to take the road over the hills through the Army base on the Nacimiento-Fergusson road that brings you out north of Gorda and an open 12 mile stretch of road between the two slides, the one to the north is called the Paul's slide. I have friends who live up in the hills and will be bringing in some supplies for them.
Hwy 1 to Big Sur and on to Monterey is probably one of my fav rides since I began riding over 60 years ago. I'll bet it is over 2 years before anyone will be able to ride the whole rout up the 1 again.

since 2003 I have sponsered a ride every yr in Aug called "Run Up The One" where we ride to Gorda then back to Ragged Point for lunch, it looks like Ragged Point is as far as we will be able to go this year. Here is a pic of me and a few others at the turn around point in Gorda.

Here is the latest updates from the Big Sur Chamber of Commerce.
and a map to go with it.