Thanks Guys,

I really do appreciate all your comments. I am happy to go over to the dark side, the view better from over there I'm told As for what it would sound like without the mufflers, well I'd say a horny bull on Viagra, but that's just a guess I do have a reverse gear, and it's built into the diff, I had to wait for it to be built for me and that caused a two month delay, but I've been assured it is worth it.

I know that once it gets here I'm going to get very emotional about it, yes I've had the Rune, but somehow this feels different. I think being able to share the whole thing with you guys is making it a much better experience, and shows just what kind of people we are, and how much our rides and lifestyles mean to us. Sorry if that's a bit wet guys

More pictures to come just as soon as I get them. Thanks again.

Paul B......