It must be something in the air this time of year. I've noticed a distinct up tic in stupid by all parties involved. I got blitzed by another bike in my lane heading to work the other day, cagers of all varieties cannot seem to check a mirror or actually look where their going, 18 wheelers going full throttle in the right lane passing stopped traffic heading into a merge, Pre-holes driving up your hind end until they get in front of you then dropping to 10 under prevailing traffic in the left lane, the 30 second pause after a light turns green before moving, stopping 20' back of the stop line an wondering why the light won't turn and all the other stupidity I cannot begin to mention... We all make the occasional bone headed decision in traffic or don't see someone however it's becoming way more apparent to me that people flat don't care anymore and drive like their the only ones on the road.

Stay safe my friends, it's getting more and more dangerous out there. And we should all probably invest in that camera setup Tax4free has...