OK, I'm 5'6" (easy now) and I liked the ability of raising and lowering (without tools) the windshield on my Wing where I could look thru or over (mostly thru) and want to keep in mind minimal wind off the passenger. Picking up the F6B tomorrow, leaving on a weekend trip NEXT weekend so time is important. I think (I know actually) I'd like to have a vent in it. I've seen pictures of a stock shield for the F6B and it looks like a pyramid, I'm out on that and the recurve on the top of some shields I've seen too.
I guess the ultimate would be electric with smoked or tinted on the bottom and clear on the top which I may do later but for now.............just something to hold me over till I really get used to the bike.
I wonder if a "fixed in place" stock GW shield would work for now and looking thru..................

Any thoughts appreciated