Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
I'm not believing this story. Guys even if it was a 1911 cocked and locked someone had to depress the grip safety, flip the safety off and pull the trigger. Like I said an old single action revolver , SAA or old black hawk that hadn't been updated. Maybe even a cheap POS revolver that the safety features failed. And how was he carrying it that it shot him in the chest. In the 32 years that I've carried on a daily basis I have had two head on collisions in my truck , neither my fault , wrecked four wheelers many times , fallen while walking in the woods at night coon hunting , been thrown by horses , and many other physical activities. I've never had an AD carrying numerous types of firearms. I'm just skeptical.
Completely understandable. Unclear if any 'repeated tumbling/interaction between rider/bike etc' could have lined up all the sequences/applications of pressure in correct area's to AD. Again, we'll probably never know,,,

My dad carries a old Korean war surplus 45 wrapped in a towel in the car door when traveling. I was driving them around Houston in their car. Opened the door and the damn thing fell out onto the street,,, "Nice, Dad,,, real nice,,," LOL!

I wasn't worried about AD as I know the weapon and my Dad,,, just not real happy about his 'method of carry'. (With my luck, a cop would see it and then we'd have some 'splainin to do! LOL!)

FWIW, if you ever see my dad's 45, you won't live to tell about it. Other than that, unless you are family/close friend, you'll never see or hear about it. Just the way it is.