I remember not being in a very good mood, as this was written during my awful divorce.
I have a few of these but picked this one to share.


To all who take it for granted

Tis the dawn of a new world,
the numerous, huge, bright balls of fire
and the extreme heat from the night before,
just hours worth, is now over.

As I emerge from my sealed underground cavern,
I notice the flat, barren, charred earth
and the awful stench, that is all around me,
it is the smell of death and destruction.

The rubble from tall standing buildings,
of the city I once knew,
offered no protection at all,
against this MAN made element.

The day is quite gloomy,
the smoke, dust and fallout that has filled the air,
is doing it's best to block out the warm light of the sun
and it's getting worse.

I wander aimlessly,
across this land of complete devastation,
in search of life, any life,
am I all alone?

I perch myself atop a large pile of debris,
to ponder the aftermath
and take a better look around,
this is complete hopelessness.

I can't help but wonder,
what if we all could have just lived in harmony together?
Another question asked,
and no one around to answer.

by Carlos