Where in the Quran is bombing and the senseless murder of innocent people allowed? Now who's blaming a whole population for a microscopic few? Ideas don't murder or detonate bombs people, who are twisted, do. Have you ever said "I'll kill you" to someone knowing full well you are really not going to kill them? Or maybe you were really so enraged with someone and became so enraged, for a split second, you visualized taking them out? After that split second you snap back into reality and the thought is gone, I know I have. Although judging by my exchanges with you you may want to hug someone to death. Anyway, there is a great divide between having the IDEA of doing something and ACTUALLY doing it. There is some faulty wiring up there that makes you actualize your thoughts. That is why what someone thinks doesn't bother anyone, however, what they do certainly will. Religion doesn't do that sick, warped human beings do. And it's not a jihad it's a crusade jihads are initiated offensives, Crusades are responses to those actions. As far as worshiping the same God, I don't know where you got that, if you don't believe Jesus the Christ is the way to salvation, we ain't in the same religion.

Liberalism, progressives, political correctness (6 of 1 half a dozen of the other) is most definitely a religion, as a religion is defined: "a*system*of*thought,*feeling,*and*action*that*is* shared*by*a*group*and*that*gives*the*members*an*ob ject*of devotion;*a*code*of*behavior*by*which*individuals* may*judge*the*personal*and*social*consequences*of* their*actions;*and*a*frame of*reference*by*which*individuals*may*relate*to*th eir*group*and*their*universe." And that's a encyclopedic definition and if that doesn't describe tree-hugging, Upper West Side hipsters nothing else will. It was liberal, politically correct policy that prevented the French cops from patrolling these sections as not to oppress the citizenry. That closed them off from interaction with police and further isolated them from the rest of the the community which was ripe for terrorists to go unabated. Liberalism - it fails every time it's tried.