Quote Originally Posted by cosborn View Post
I'm a Buddhist, and as part of my volunteer work I work at a soup kitchen in the centre of Canberra, yep the nations capital. I met a Christian fundamentalist the other day who told me that if i didn't follow Jesus and his teaching, I would burn in hell.

He didn't like it when i told him there was very little difference between Muslim fundamentalist, and himself.

Then, apparently, he doesn't know the words of his own Savior "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged". The worst sin you can possibly commit is to judge anyone's soul, as you are acting "God-like" since He is the Ultimate Judge. So for him to say that tells me that he had no idea of even the fundamentals of what he professes to be. As far as the difference between Christians and Muslim fundamentalists - vast, evidenced by the fact that once he found out you were Buddhist he didn't demand you renounce it and become Muslim and when you refused, he didn't behead you.