After many attempts trying to find a real hot sauce, and failing, I think I may have hit pay dirt. I've brought stuff back from the Caribbean with "XXXX" on the label that was nowhere near real hot the way I like it. Today I found "Blair's Mega Death Sauce" while shopping. What caught my eye first was the bottle comes in a cardboard coffin packaging with a skull keychain attached. The "Mega" death is 500 times hotter than a jalapeņo chile, they also had their "Sudden" Death which was 650 times hotter than a jalapeņo but I figured I'd give this a shot. I used just a dab you see in the picture and just a little on the back of the fork that's also pictured. That's all you need to whack you, holy shiite Muslim even with that tiny bit it hits you like a sack o hammers. I know if I did any more it would have been painful. All that pain and no calories.