Quote Originally Posted by terrydj View Post
I have seen from the many posts that Americans are proud of America and the many men and women who have served, and so they should be.

Australia was founded by convicts, not rich dudes and others of authority but convicts. On 21 January 1788 Phillip, with a party of officers and marines, landed at an unnamed place near where Sydney is now. After moving further into the harbour, on 26 January 1788 Phillip raised the British flag at Sydney Cove. 751 convicts and their children disembarked, along with 252 marines and their families. When the last shipment of convicts disembarked in Western Australia in 1868, the total number of transported convicts stood at around 162,000 men and women. The transportation of convicts to Australia ended at a time when the colonies' population stood at around one million

The vast majority of the convicts to Australia were English and Welsh (70%), Irish (24%) or Scottish (5%), the convict population had a multicultural flavour. Some convicts had been sent from various British outposts such as India and Canada. There were also Maoris from New Zealand, Chinese from Hong Kong and slaves from the Caribbean.
Bloody Englands Scum??

I’m an Australian and like every male in my family’s history have served, and my father with distinction and honours. American Presidential citation for Bravery (Battle of Kapyong- 3RAR Delta Company)

So here’s a bit of history
Australia and New Zealand are now remembering those who served in a special way.
50 years after the last Convicts arrived, and 100 years ago, Australian and New Zealand military (The Anzacs) left their countries to take part in the First World War
From a population of Australians of fewer than five million,416,809 men enlisted, of which over 60,000 were killed and 156,000 wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner. And a Population in New Zealand of approximately 1.15 million; was 100,444 served, 16,697 New Zealanders were killed and 41,317 were wounded during the war – a 58 percent casualty rate.
These forces were the first to beat the Turks. And in the South of France to this day when you enter some towns there are signs that say N'oublions jamais l'Australie-Let us Never Forget the Australians (Meaning Australia and New Zealanders) the Anzacs, and in their schools above the class Blackboard it also reads Never forget the Australians.
Link: http://www.ambafrance-au.org/The-Som...t-for-visiting

Some 20 years late another war.
The Australians (Meaning Australians and New Zealanders) were the first to beat the Japanese and Rommel in the desert. In Rommel’s own words “If I had an army of Australians (Meaning Australia and New Zealanders) I would win this war”.
Some 5 years later Australians (Meaning Australia and New Zealanders) were the first troops to enter Korea and served with distinction. Numerous Battle Honours including a presidential citation for Bravery. The Battle of Kapyong, 3RAR and New Zealand Forces.
In every Capital city in Australia and New Zealand South Korea each year on a special day honor and publicly thank the Australian and New Zealand serviceman who served in their countries and their countries.

8 years late Malaya- Enough said
The Indonesian Confrontation- Enough said
4 years later Vietnam? North Vietnamese Generals said to their troops never engage with the Australian and New Zealand forces because??????? And the deeds of our soldiers which includes our SASR and what people refer to as “Special Forces”???? Are known but mostly not?
Then there are the theatres of the:
First Gulf War: Where a Whole Iraq Battalion surrendered to Australian/New Zealand SASR Troopers
Iraq War
Military intervention against the ISL: where currently we have our Commando units serving supported by our Australian and New Zealand SASR????????

Every evening in every RSL (Return Serviceman’s League) in every City and town in Australia and New Zealand with the setting of the sun it comes to silence and everyone faces the flame and these words are spoken

“They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them”.
They gave their tomorrows so we could have our todays eh
Not too shabby a Military history from a Country that currently has a population of 22 million and a Neighbor New Zealand with a population of 4.5 million.
Bloody populations combined not even that of some American Cities
Suppose you can hear the stories from Americans who served with Australians. (Their all Lies)
Suppose this is what made Australians and New Zealanders what they are

Bloody Convicts
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