Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
I confess to only looking up the first two. Like Steve u enjoyed the reading. You guys know we aren't wrong.
The problem today as I see it with the new kids is they have no compass... today is a new day and no plans for tomorrow...unless, and I mean unless something lands in their lap they have no concern...period. These new folks also seem to do "just enough" to get by, just enough to stay out of trouble, just enough to pass a grade just enough to take care of today...dam tomorrow! They stand for nothing! I, like most here grew up with a certain set of values...I still live by those values ...a friend of mine while having this same conversation said it more simply than I could ..." I live by the 10 Commandants!!!" Not sure those values exist today, at least, it seems by many... The P.C. crowd wants EVERYTHING to be OK and if it does not land in your lap then it is really none of your business... My wife is constantly telling me to keep my opinions to my self... I/we are not at the age yet where we can say whatever we want...I for one can't wait !!!