For the Aussies out there...I visited my local Locksmith and he cut a spare key which opens the Cubby and Fuel Cap (not the rear Trunk when I installed the radio knob.....must need it a tad longer). He used a Toyota blank. $6 for the key all up, and a black radio knob from Jaycar for about $1. The only tricky bit, which isn't all that tricky is cutting the key down with a Dremmel with the key in a vice to remove the fat end to fit into the knob which has got a small screw to hold it in place and I filled it with glue on top of that.

He cut the key to replicate the original and it won't start the bike because there's no CHIP in the Toyota blank. On that note, he did say that he can copy the Chip with a machine he's got if I ever need another ignition key.

It sits in the Cubby I think it looks a bit dorky sitting in the Fuel cap.