Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
Whelp... doesn't appear they were Marines...

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.

See link below:

Thanks for the update and correction.

CNN is reporting the shooter has a known history with the European counterterrorism authorities and French police.

2 members of U.S. military stop Islamist attacker on train in Belgium

... the gunman, a Moroccan national, was on the radar screen of European counterterrorism agencies for his radical jihadist views, the European counterterrorism official said.

A second security source told CNN the gunman was known by French intelligence. The official said it appeared the gunman was sympathetic to ISIS, but a full determination on his specific loyalties had yet to be reached. ...