Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
Last summer a barrel of crude was slightly over $100. Now it is around $27. A barrel hold 55 gallons, and there are 4 quarts in each gallon. So there are 220 quarts in each barrel. Since the price of a barrel has dropped by approx. $75, or 75%, why do we still pay between $4 -$6 for a quart of oil at our Dealers and auto parts stores. Gas should not be the only petroleum product that the price should drop significantly. Some how, the oil companies are still making very good profits, despite what we see on Wall Street.
Oil comes in 42 gallon bbls has to be highly refined depending on gravity, the blacker the lower the grade, WTI (West Texas Intermediate) where i'm from is a middle grade, I'm not a chemist so can't tell you what yield is on oil to gas, but 1 bbl oil will yield from mineral spirits to grease.