It's the bad ass image. Look at most Motorcycle clothing ads and you will see the same type "rider". A very loose term here!
Most motorcycle related manufacturers are after new customers and they need to appeal to a certain part of the main stream population. I walked thru a Cycle Gear store not too long ago and see hoodies with what they call crash protection in the way of elbow and back pads. These types of "gear" are not "gear" as much as they are fashion. These manufacturers would rather sell what looks good because it is easier to appeal to a new rider in this manner or rider that wants a bad ass image.
I looked at that hoodie and my first thought was how this loose fitting pile of material will roll up and tear apart in seconds and offer absolutely not protection at all. Almost a false advertisement in my mind.

I heard a couple talking at that store and heard one guy to the other say....I like the look of this face mask because it makes me feel evil...That seems to be what many want from their biker image.

But that's just my opinion.