Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
First let me say I have no dog in this fight, I'm not a Democrat, Republican or anything else, was a Conservative till about 10 years ago. Here is a statistic that will clear things up ... a little. While 0.6 percent of the U.S. adult population are lawyers, 41% of Congress are lawyers - that's 68 times the.national average. I don't know if you've had interactions with lawyers, I've had plenty, Criminal - civil- IRS - Family - Traffic etc.none pleasant,and I can tell you they are the lowest form of life there is. Their job is to create fear in you so you need them,,create a doomsday scenario so they can come in and save you, create the chaos then make it appear like only they have the answer - sound familiar. That is the template from which every politician is cast these day "Only I can save you, I'm going to D.C. and fight for you." What?

After you get elected and you go to Washington they sit you down in a room and say "Congratulations, we know you had to say a lot of things during the campaign to get elected, regarding what you were going to do when you came here, well, you're not going to do any of that. If you try to you will never chair, or even sit, on a committee and we will use the party coffers to run against you in the next election and you will be a one term Congressman / Senator / President.", it is the birth of a career politician.They are beholden to lobbyists, big donors (business) period. Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill used to say "Money is the mother's milk of politics."

Here comes a self-made billionaire, self funded, never ran for office and the first one he goes for is the Triple Crown, Grand Slam of the Presidency. You don't think these career politicians Clinton, Romney, Bush, Cruz, Biden are jealous, envious, bitter? They've planned this their whole lives - all the work, fund raising, kissing babies, kissing ass, mall openings etc. He has the audacity to enter their domain and go for the PRESIDENCY! More importantly, the 2 parties are scared to death because they have been entrenched in this system forever and they dismissed this guy out of hand and he's making a fool out of them. The parties, and their politicians, are united because Trump threatens their very existence. What if more people, like Trump, decide to run for office, these career politicians will have to leave DC and get a job. Lawyers are the most low self esteem, high ego people on the planet, this has them rattled down to their core, it's job security - for both parties and that's why they are united against him.You see, most politicians look to get power to become rich, Trump is already rich and powerful, it must be driving those lawyers CRAZY. His enemies are united against him.

The Founders never meant for there to be career politicians and that is why the turnover every 2 years for Congress, they had their fill of that with Parliament, I think they were on a 7 year term. They designed this government for regular people to come to Washington, serve and GO BACK HOME and be subject to the laws they passed, of which there are over 20 million, including regulations. Now you know why Congress has over 68 times more lawyers than the national average. The only way for the money to keep flowing is for them to constantly make criminals out of the rank and file. While we bicker over elections and candidates they sit back and dine in the fanciest restaurants, stay in the swankiest hotels, golf at the best courses and hand us the bill - exactly like lawyers do. All the while making it appear they are working. Remember, they are all in the same union, the BAR (British Accredited Registry) and their first obligation is ALWAYS to the court, i.e. why we have/will have so many laws. (Ex. 40,000 laws entered into the Federal Register on 1/1/11)

Say what you want about Trump but I've seen a LOT of kids inherit money or a business and within a year it is gone, forever. He managed to surpass his father, many times over, and now he is running for President, not bad for a contractor. You don't get to run a worlwide organization like his without the ability to identify brilliant, talented and dedicated leaders. He knows how to delegate his authority and to pick the right people for the job, and isn't that what a great leader does. Ask yourself this, when the Founders were thinking about what country they wanted to create, the ideas and ideals they had in mind when drafting those incredible documents that were the blueprint of the greatest experiment of freedom and opportunity in human history, who do you think fulfills that criteria more than anyone running. Who has benefited more from the freedoms and opportunities of America and whose lifestyle would not change one iota if they lost tomorrow. He goes home to Milenia, c'mon just nabbing that I'd crown him king.

Besides, when do you get a chance to piss off this many lawyers in one shot.

You know why lawyers wear neckties ----- it keeps the foreskin down

Now, that was the most interesting read I came across in a while! Taxfree, that took you a while and I thank you for it.

I HATE politics but I have to chime in here. I absolutely agree with you and Dickiedeals! I want a serious change in our country and I am willing to give Trump a chance. I am disgusted with all career politicians and want a different person in the office. The way I think, why would Trump even consider running? He is already rich and famous, nothing to gain there. At 69, why not just enjoy golf and goof off for the rest of his life. Instead he chose to have his life exposed and probed into by his opponents with adolescent remarks (small hands, really?). So, my thinking is that he really is fed up with our politicians and has something positive for our country.

On the other hand, I am amazed how anyone can vote for Hillary. She IS a proved liar, opportunist and quute possibly responsible for deaths of some Americans in other countries. Just a simple internet search can prove all this, one can see youtube videos about her, where she said one thing a few years ago and now is saying something completely different. She is very sly and cunning person. Also, if any of us here on this forum have done the same emals she did, we would have been pronounced a terrorist and be in jail long time ago. But not her, she is running for president! Why is that? Because she has HUGE interest groups, corporations and ultimately money supporting her so she would continue to keep these people (and herself) rich. Also, all those poor people on welfare that current administration put there will vote for Hillary to stay on welfare. Unfortunately, she has a very big chance of winning.

I don't see myself as Republican or Democrat. I simply look at the person itself.