Thanks for all the comments. I finally got to go for a ride last night and I have to say...I love this bike! I ain't worried about no stinkin' warranty ...LOL. I'll take my chances with the heel toe shifter. I think it'll be fine and if it isn't then I'll have to reconsider my options. I do appreciate the heads-up though.

I am concerned about gettn' it set-up more to my likin tho. I went for about a 50 mile mini ride last night and was given the slow down by a county mounty. He pulled along side me at a light and told me to "slow it down!" I was relieved he was being nice. This bike doesn't like speed limits! All that aside, I think I'm gonna try another shield and possibly a seat. I love Corbin seats but she feels like she's on an OBGYN's table (Her words). the shield is a 11" C-Baileys now, but I still get a lot of wind on the ole' brain bucket, so somthin a bit taller would be on the agenda. Also, my wife is vertically challenged and can't reach the foot pegs, so floorboards and risers are being considered. Also...I thought I saw somewhere on here about some of the guys eliminating the grab rails? That was her first complaint. The back of her legs dig into the grab rails. Also there's a mount for a Zumo GPS, so I'm going to be needing one of those. So if anyone has any of these laying around collecting dust, I would appreciate a shout.

So I have a bit of shoppin to do, but the guy that owned it previously (Which I was put in contact with from the dealer) did most of the heavy liftin' on it already. That has saved me a bundle cause most of the things he added would have been on my shoppin list too.

Anyway, like I stated before, thanks for the great comments and hope to be keepin up with y'all on a regular basis.