Quote Originally Posted by rickw View Post
Be careful listening to personal opinions on your purchase.
We have sold multiple brands of seats and have used multiple brands of seats on all bikes we have owned.
We talk to dozens of people a day and a get a lot of questions and feedback on seats.
Boils down to what you like the feel of and fitment for you. Another big concern is how firm the seat is, we have a Corbin on our Spyder and love it. About 50% of our customers do not like how firm it is, they do like the looks though.
So it is a personal choice depending on how much you want to spend, looks, fitment for you and firmness among other things. Most seat manufacturers have different styles which are going to fit and feel totally different for the same bike. So making an opinion on one seat brand based on one seat on one bike may not be totally correct.
+1. Until your person sits on a certain seat, on a certain bike, there is NO WAY of positively knowing if that seat will do right by you or not for that bike..
Unfortunately, for most males, this goes against our primal instinct of "just buying."

We have to actually go (cue ominous music) shopping!!