Quote Originally Posted by busflyer View Post
I've been an "Anyone but Hillary" fan since.......Well, for a long time. I agree that while Mr. Trump may not be the best choice, he is a MUCH better choice than Ms. Clinton.

I've been ANYONE but Trump for a very long time. He is making enemies around the world with his ridiculous statements and no real facts to support or ways to do the stupid things he says anyway. If that isn't ridiculous enough, he has also managed to successfully radicalize people to believe the unfounded hate and fears in our own nation. Banning Muslims, shipping out millions of immigrants, building a wall, allowing other countries to have nukes, etc etc etc so much BS out of his mouth with no real plan or way to do any of it at all. And playing on the fears of americans who don't know any Hispanic people who have come here for a better life or Muslim Americans who just want to live just like the rest of us and make a good life for their kids............ its just despicable. He even refused to denounce David Duke on national TV, a well know KKK member, just so that he wouldn't offend the White Supremacy groups who openly support him with pride. No No, not for me, NEVER TRUMP!