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Thread: Trumps the one!

  1. #51
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Great post Tax.
    Coming from you that's a compliment

  2. #52
    Senior Member blueverclear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Trump was very clear on how he was going to build and finance the wall. Vincente Fox has apologized and invited Trump to Mexico without ever laying a brick. He's not even president and they're kissing his ass, that's power. They released the Iranian hostages after Reagan was sworn in because they knew, like Trump, he will use force without any hesitation.

    Banning Muslims is what is necessary, all muslims aren't terrorists, but so far, all terrorists are muslims. Those weren't Episcopalians in Boston, San Bernadino, New York, Langley Va., Fort Hood. Like any other law or punishment they are written and enforced by the actions of the few to protect the larger majority. Most people will never commit a crime, however, the 60 million laws and regulations we have in this country is because of the few, relatively, so as to protect the larger community.

    If your first act as a potential American is to violate federal law, by sneaking across the border, then maybe you're not what we want here. You then further compound that by going on public assistance, taking the money and sending it back to the shithole you fled making money transfers the #1 export from the US to Mehico. Unlike Europeans who came here and became Americans, not hyphenated, legally and made astounding contributions to America. If you feel bad about your whiteness, Americanism or prosperity take an illegal family into your home that I would send back. Liberals are very good with other people's money, they are repelled, physically, at spending their own. And the first ones to motherf#&ck you if you cut in front of them on a line, but, you immigrants who are trying to come here legally through that lengthy process, good luck, you illegals come right in.

    Trump also indicated he will employ the likes of Carl Icahn, and others, to renegotiate these trade deals we're getting hosed on.

    He is going to repeal Obamacare, eliminate state insurance monopolies by introducing competition into the states and utilize Health Savings Accounts which are far better.

    Maybe I've been listening to another election but these seem pretty specific, and this was way before we arrived at this point. If 11 million illegal felons, and I know there are more, wind up leaving, great. The economic boost to America, having these leeches off the public teet, would be enormous. Besides why would you deny these 11 million illegal felons a chance to return to "my country" (the sickening phrase they use when speaking about the shithole they came from) so they won't have to use English as a Second Language.
    Building a wall will not solve our immigration problems in the country. Yes it is a big problem but building a wall or trying to round up 11 million people in paddy wagons is not the answers we need to actually fix the problems.

    "All terrorist are muslims?" Give me a break man.... ever heard of Timothy McViegh, Dylann Roof, Jared Lee Loughner, James Eagan Holmes, Aaron Alexis, Robert Lewis Dear? The list goes on and on and on of American Terrorist who are not Muslim who have committed acts of terrorism in this country on their own citizens. All the school shootings and movie theater shootings have been non Muslim american citizens and there has been a way too many of them. And how exactly would you ban Muslims from entering this country? Muslim people come from many different countries and continents. So are we just gonna have everyone who comes here check a box: Muslim or Christian? Ok, all the Christians for Europe are all ok but all you Muslims gotta stay over there lol. Its a religion that spans to all countries and continents and just "Banning All Muslims" is a suggestion that is not only virtually impossible to accomplish because its the biggest religion in the world, it also goes against the very core values of this country to be open and free to every and all religions and to never discriminate against them.

    I dont have to feel bad about my whiteness because I am proud to be an African-American citizen of this country who has done well for a young man. What does being white have to do with anything anyway? Whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and all other races are supposed to be equals in the country last I checked.......... I am not condoning illegal immigration at all but also understand that just rounding up 11 million people leaving kids on the streets who are born in america and american citizens is just totally impractical and irresponsible at best. A better solution is tightening the border with officers and better equipment and giving immigrants (most of whom are good people) a legal path to residency so that they can pay taxes like the rest of us and them putting them in a plan towards citizenship over a number of years making sure they are vetted and prove that they belong here as citizens.

    As for repealing Obama Care, many people have come to my office who are very glad that the law is in effect. There are many college kids who can stay on their parents insurance well into their graduate programs, there are many people with pre-existing conditions that can now get insurance, there are many people who have gotten a cheaper plan all as a result of the plan. I myself pay about 3X more for my insurance but I realize that I have to pay my fare share to make sure that everyone has the chance at getting some need health insurance. I do believe that there are things that they can do to reform the law to make it more afordable for the average american. One of the things being lowering the celing of profitability for insurance companies who have had record profits the last couple years. Another good option would be a universal payer system that was not for profit to give the insurance companies something to compete against which would also help to lower our prices. I am all for reforming the law but not completely repealing it, the healthcare law has helped many people.

  3. #53
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Why does one have to be an "African-American" ?

    This puzzles me.... always has. Why not just an "American" ???

    Continual referral to one's ancestry as a form of national identity does NOTHING but keep the divide of racial tensions alive and kicking.

    For those whom have assimilated from all walks of life and country of origin; it does NOTHING but draw ire amongst them; when you have a group of folks whom attempt to continue to sequester themselves via this self made "special" labeling. And I do not just only necessarily refer to "African-Americans" in this example, I also question other groups of people as well that want to keep their seemingly "official" hyphenated identity of themselves and expect special recognition of such.

    If this country is the great "melting pot" ...the end product by design; should be an "American".

    Maybe I should get in on the racial divides and start calling myself "Greek-Irish-German- Polish-American ....because that is where my heritage comes from...

    Naw... I like to think of myself just as an "American".

    21 years Army (retired)
    ...been everywhere, seen everything, done almost everything.

    IBA 80537

  4. #54
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
    "All terrorist are muslims?" Give me a break man.... ever heard of Timothy McViegh, Dylann Roof, Jared Lee Loughner, James Eagan Holmes, Aaron Alexis, Robert Lewis Dear?
    Please define the common motive that all of the people you have listed have in common for their crimes. I don't think you will find one (e.g. Timothy McViegh's crimes were in retaliation for the Ruby Ridge and Wacko massacres), but there is this (coincidence ?):

    Attachment 20631

    All of the following thousands of murders/massacres have a very clear common quran-directed motive usually including the murderers screaming "aloha snackbar".

    List of Islamist terrorist attacks

    I think your stawman list is a bit off base.

    Nidal's "soldier of alluh" "workplace violence" business card:

    Fort Hood Terrorist/Murderer Nidal Hasan Paid $278,000 (from taxpayers) While Awaiting Trial while his victims were denied additional medical benefits. Thanks Obama for supporting islamic terrorists over the lives and health of American Soldiers.

  5. #55
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
    Building a wall will not solve our immigration problems in the country. Yes it is a big problem but building a wall or trying to round up 11 million people in paddy wagons is not the answers we need to actually fix the problems.

    "All terrorist are muslims?" Give me a break man.... ever heard of Timothy McViegh, Dylann Roof, Jared Lee Loughner, James Eagan Holmes, Aaron Alexis, Robert Lewis Dear? The list goes on and on and on of American Terrorist who are not Muslim who have committed acts of terrorism in this country on their own citizens. All the school shootings and movie theater shootings have been non Muslim american citizens and there has been a way too many of them. And how exactly would you ban Muslims from entering this country? Muslim people come from many different countries and continents. So are we just gonna have everyone who comes here check a box: Muslim or Christian? Ok, all the Christians for Europe are all ok but all you Muslims gotta stay over there lol. Its a religion that spans to all countries and continents and just "Banning All Muslims" is a suggestion that is not only virtually impossible to accomplish because its the biggest religion in the world, it also goes against the very core values of this country to be open and free to every and all religions and to never discriminate against them.

    I dont have to feel bad about my whiteness because I am proud to be an African-American citizen of this country who has done well for a young man. What does being white have to do with anything anyway? Whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and all other races are supposed to be equals in the country last I checked.......... I am not condoning illegal immigration at all but also understand that just rounding up 11 million people leaving kids on the streets who are born in america and american citizens is just totally impractical and irresponsible at best. A better solution is tightening the border with officers and better equipment and giving immigrants (most of whom are good people) a legal path to residency so that they can pay taxes like the rest of us and them putting them in a plan towards citizenship over a number of years making sure they are vetted and prove that they belong here as citizens.

    As for repealing Obama Care, many people have come to my office who are very glad that the law is in effect. There are many college kids who can stay on their parents insurance well into their graduate programs, there are many people with pre-existing conditions that can now get insurance, there are many people who have gotten a cheaper plan all as a result of the plan. I myself pay about 3X more for my insurance but I realize that I have to pay my fare share to make sure that everyone has the chance at getting some need health insurance. I do believe that there are things that they can do to reform the law to make it more afordable for the average american. One of the things being lowering the celing of profitability for insurance companies who have had record profits the last couple years. Another good option would be a universal payer system that was not for profit to give the insurance companies something to compete against which would also help to lower our prices. I am all for reforming the law but not completely repealing it, the healthcare law has helped many people.
    The difference between the murderers you mentioned and the radical Muslim terrorists is there is no connection, no singular religious belief that connects those psychos, if these are radical Episcopalian terrorists do tell, however, the synoptic religious bond of the assassins I stated were clearly born, raised and radicalized, in the Muslim faith, to hate, despise and kill Americans, and they did. And yes, if checking a box Muslim is the way we find out so what, I've had to check a box off of who I am, over and over again, since the first job I applied for over 30 years ago and was turned down for at the gas company because, due to Affirmative Action, they were hiring minorities. So if it's good enough for an American born citizen it's good enough for a potential citizen. As of last year got my DNA done and son of a bitch, I have ancestors from northwest Africa, Mali specifically.

    The whiteness part has to do with the tired old RASH bomb that is used by the Liberals, who are the true racists, to try and silence anyone who has an opposition to illegal immigration by calling them racists. RASH standing for Racist Anti-immigrant Sexist Homophobe. They usually throw it and the white politicians scatter. Democrats look at them as potential voters and that is why the 1965 Immigration Act was passed which shut down white European immigration and increased, exponentially, 3rd world, government dependent people. They don't care how they get here, legal or illegal, just get here. If the wall isn't going to work, so what, build it anyway; what's 20 or 30 billion. That is the precise reason the hucksters are scared to death - they know it will work evidenced by the fact Vincente Fox is apologizing to President Trump. And you won't have to round them up, just give them notice their benefits will be terminated in 90 days and their last check will be enough for a plane flight back home, simple, and that giant sucking sound will be a mass exodus back to the homeland.

    Illegal felons don't get to jump to the front of the line, it's back to Mehico, or American jail, and start it the legal way and let the people who have already abided by the law, from the start, continue. As I said a Liberal is the first one to motherf#%ck you if you go in front of them on line but go ahead illegals I've got mine.

    The only thing that lowers prices and reduces paperwork is competition, period. Single payer is a disaster as evidenced by the VA. and Canada. No one flies to Canada from all over the world for medical treatment, they come here. With Health Savings Accounts you get to shop around and keep whatever money you don't spend. If you want to pay 3X as much be my guest, why not 4X, why not pay for another plan for someone else. Socialized anything has failed every time it's tried. The Socialist dreamland, The Soviet Union, collapsed like a cheap camera, it doesn't work - ever.

    You do your children a disservice by keeping them at your teet leeching off you, the longer you offer goodies the longer they will stay. Your duty is to raise them and send them off so they can prosper in this great land and maybe grow up to be President Trump.

  6. #56
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Another excellent post Taxfree

    21 years Army (retired)
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    IBA 80537

  7. #57
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
    Please define the common motive that all of the people you have listed have in common for their crimes. I don't think you will find one (e.g. Timothy McViegh's crimes were in retaliation for the Ruby Ridge and Wacko massacres), but there is this (coincidence ?):

    Attachment 20631

    All of the following thousands of murders/massacres have a very clear common quran-directed motive usually including the murderers screaming "aloha snackbar".

    List of Islamist terrorist attacks

    I think your stawman list is a bit off base.

    Nidal's "soldier of alluh" "workplace violence" business card:

    Fort Hood Terrorist/Murderer Nidal Hasan Paid $278,000 (from taxpayers) While Awaiting Trial while his victims were denied additional medical benefits. Thanks Obama for supporting islamic terrorists over the lives and health of American Soldiers.

    "Aloha Snackbar" I woke my wife up laughing so hard, don't do that.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
    Another excellent post Taxfree
    I agree Will. He is clearly in his element. He don't need much help. I've been watching Two and a Half Men reruns.

  9. #59
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    "Aloha Snackbar" I woke my wife up laughing so hard, don't do that.
    It wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant to point out what a pernicious [fill in the blank] we have for a POTUS/regime and what his anti-American priorities are.

  10. #60
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
    It wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant to point out what a pernicious [fill in the blank] we have for a POTUS/regime and what his anti-American priorities are.
    It wasn't meant to be funny, neither was Bruce Jenner's decision to look like a lesbian librarian, but it was. Obama's still a pernicious prick. Thank you willtill, shooter drinks all night at the rally.

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