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Thread: Trumps the one!

  1. #101
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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    Your almost right about the first amendment, what it says is that there can not be an official American religion and that you can worship any god you care to. Those wise old chaps knew a thing or two about religious persecution and were determined to not have any of it. So you can exercise your religion almost any way you want, except for ways clearly illegal like performing human sacrifice, smoking pot, etc.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    That doesn't make any sense, it may look great on a bumper sticker, but it is ignorant of the fact that in the Bill of Rights the very first amendment was the demand that the new government cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion. It established a constitutional right to basically pray any way you want without the government telling you what to pray, like King George's Church of England.

    Written here on this Christian Forum the 8th day of May in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Sixteen

    Go Trump

  2. #102
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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  3. #103
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    So far all we've heard from Trump has been sound bite with little or no substance to them, my comment was simply now we will get to hear more about how he plans to put then into effect, nothing more. There was no hypocrisy in that.
    "Socially" minded individuals only hear the dog whistle terms of free medical, blame the rich, tax the achievers to give to the lazy and all men are rapists. If you read the thread you will read Trump's specific details but why let the facts get in the way. On the other hand, Hillary has laid out a very specific agenda, let's hear from this well laid out agenda that she plans to guide this nation:

  4. #104
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaygollner View Post
    Your almost right about the first amendment, what it says is that there can not be an official American religion and that you can worship any god you care to. Those wise old chaps knew a thing or two about religious persecution and were determined to not have any of it. So you can exercise your religion almost any way you want, except for ways clearly illegal like performing human sacrifice, smoking pot, etc.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
    You're saying the same thing, if there is no official American religion then it's telling the government, being the Bill of Rights was protection against the government dictate, you have the Constitutional Right to exercise any religion you choose. My point is that your bumper sticker assertion that my freedom of religion ends where your constitutional right begins doesn't make sense when freedom of religion IS a Constitutional Right.

  5. #105
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    You're saying the same thing, if there is no official American religion then it's telling the government, being the Bill of Rights was protection against the government dictate, you have the Constitutional Right to exercise any religion you choose. My point is that your bumper sticker assertion that my freedom of religion ends where your constitutional right begins doesn't make sense when freedom of religion IS a Constitutional Right.
    Your religion cannot dictate how I live my life, that is the message of my original post. Many would try to impose their morals which are based on their religious upbringing on others. You perhaps believe that your religion allows you to discriminate against gays or people of color but the law says otherwise. So I stand by my assertion that your freedom of religion ends where my constitutional rights begin, so no matter what you can't make me eat Kosher unless that's what I want to eat.

  6. #106
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaygollner View Post
    Your religion cannot dictate how I live my life, that is the message of my original post. Many would try to impose their morals which are based on their religious upbringing on others. You perhaps believe that your religion allows you to discriminate against gays or people of color but the law says otherwise. So I stand by my assertion that your freedom of religion ends where my constitutional rights begin, so no matter what you can't make me eat Kosher unless that's what I want to eat.
    What? One more time, freedom of religion is a constitutional right. How transsexuals following little girls into the bathroom got into the discussion I don't know. Actually it's homosexuals that are trying to force the Church to accept their lifestyle, and we won't, specifically, because of Canon Law and, more importantly, our constitutional right, you got it bass ackwards. You don't want eat Kosher don't, no skin off my brisket. The Catholic Church has more people of color in it than the Liberal, lillywhite, racist Academy Awards of the last two years. Liberals are the true racists:

    Donald Trump will unite all the people Democrats, Republicans, Commies, homos, lipstick lesbians (not the bull daggers), swingers and even bisexuals, no trannies though.

    Let's "Make America Great Again"

    Written and posted on this Christian forum on this 8th day of Our Lord Jesus Christ Two Thousand and Sixteen

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  7. #107
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    "Socially" minded individuals only hear the dog whistle terms of free medical, blame the rich, tax the achievers to give to the lazy and all men are rapists. If you read the thread you will read Trump's specific details but why let the facts get in the way. On the other hand, Hillary has laid out a very specific agenda, let's hear from this well laid out agenda that she plans to guide this nation:
    Hillary should be prosecuted at the very least for the email mess she got herself into. Honestly if it comes down to Hillary v Trump, the voters are between a rock and a hard place. I've read the thread and not sure where the information comes from, because in the interviews I've seen, he's been pretty vague. Not saying I've watch every interview or debate, so quite possible I've missed something. I just assumed that now he is the clear contender (if he gets ratified) he will spend more time on the specifics, and that for me is interesting.

  8. #108
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Hillary should be prosecuted at the very least for the email mess she got herself into. Honestly if it comes down to Hillary v Trump, the voters are between a rock and a hard place. I've read the thread and not sure where the information comes from, because in the interviews I've seen, he's been pretty vague. Not saying I've watch every interview or debate, so quite possible I've missed something. I just assumed that now he is the clear contender (if he gets ratified) he will spend more time on the specifics, and that for me is interesting.
    If you are confused, uninformed or misinformed, you can read his consolidated positions here:

    Read Trump's positions here.

  9. #109
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Hillary should be prosecuted at the very least for the email mess she got herself into. Honestly if it comes down to Hillary v Trump, the voters are between a rock and a hard place. I've read the thread and not sure where the information comes from, because in the interviews I've seen, he's been pretty vague. Not saying I've watch every interview or debate, so quite possible I've missed something. I just assumed that now he is the clear contender (if he gets ratified) he will spend more time on the specifics, and that for me is interesting.
    "Hillary should be prosecuted at the very least for the email mess she got herself into." I think we may have a breakthrough Darren. That admission tells me that you at least have a fundamental objective way of looking at things. Don't forget debates and campaigning are for giving the general public an idea where the candidate stands on various subjects without specifics. As the field whittles down to one on one then things start to get more specific.

    Hilliary wants unlimited illegals aliens, or as I call them future Democratic voters, invading and making them immediately eligible for food stamps, free housing, cell phones, monthly cash payments, free medical, free schools---forever--- without ever saying how she will pay for this. As it stands we have around 40 million illegals, with about 1-2 million a year pouring in. Let's say half, and that's conservative, are on public assistance, on a $2000 a month total compensation. That's 40 billion dollars a month 480 billion dollars a year (the 2015 total Canadian Federal Budget for 2015 was 290 billion), 1 trillion 920 billion dollars over a 4 year presidential term. Where does she say she is getting the money? Now that is one program in one little corner of the budget. You then have:
    Social Security payments ( Legal Americans who actually worked all their lives contributing to the program)
    Health care
    Interest on the debt
    Federal Prison System (which houses many illegals) etc. etc. etc.

    Trump says he'll build a wall, around 20 billion, have Mexico pay for it. Once you stop the hemorrhage of illegals pouring in then you can concentrate on the illegal felons here collecting free money. Great leaders don't get in the dirt themselves and do it, they pick talented people to delegate responsibilities to get the job done. Who can say that Trump doesn't know how to pick talent running a massive multi-billion dollar, worldwide organization.

    "Make America Great Again"
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  10. #110
    Senior Member choptop's Avatar
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    I believe Trump ran, initially, as a bit of a joke and because he is Trump, and can. His popularity swelled, message caught on and he is were he is at today. He may be some what bombastic but he is no dummy and his non political self is refreshing. I believe we will see a somewhat "new" Donald when he becomes the official presidential candidate when and if they let him. He will surround himself w/the best and hopefully start bringing us back from the brink of were ever they have us at. As far as Swillary goes, for the life of me and were we are at now, in our countries history, I do not know how a person could even consider voting for such a waste of skin, story changing, lying POS like her. I can kind of understand the younger Americans getting behind her, they haven't lived the years and seen the changes, certainly not all good and lived threw what politicians have put us/this country threw in their effort to mold us into what they feel "we" should be.
    Both political parties suck and will always put their interests before ours, their little bubble that they live in is not based on our reality and they do not have a clue about where we are coming from.
    I would be willing to bet my F6b and I love my 6, that Swillery will never be prosecuted, at least to the extent that it will meaningfully harm her campaign and even if their was some miracle that sent her to prison, their would be many, many party diehards that would still be ready and willing to vote for her as president. God help us all.

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