Quote Originally Posted by GaTeach View Post
Welcome. I love this bike with all my heart.
Thanks Teach, I agree, it is superb.

Quote Originally Posted by Brasco View Post
Enjoyed your post and pic, Copper. Looking forward to doing the Cache Creek to Horseshoe Bay leg of the loop on a trip in from Calgary one day soon. Driven it in the cage many times in years gone by (born and raised on North Shore so familiar territory) but have never done that trip on two wheels. Can't wait to get reacquainted with it. Cheers.
Branco, that will be quite a trip. Now that I have a B, I will be looking at running it up to visit my brother in the Calgary area. Just an FYI, there is about a 200 meter portion, construction zone, of Highway 99 between Lytton and Pemberton that is dirt and gravel. It's not on the BC Highway web sight, I don't think. We went over it rather delicately, it was not an issue. Have no idea how long that roadwork will be there.

Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
Many on these hallowed pages will agree with you that the F6B makes them a better rider.
She is very forgiving of amateurish mistakes and will challenge you daily to better your piloting skills.
As a combat aviator, I have determined that this bike is not to be ridden, but rather, piloted.

As you have discovered with the cone course, she's very agile and once she trains you as to how to manipulate her, there's nothing more fun than the stares of other owners watching you whip her through the courses.

From full handlebar lock turns to shifting your weight to the outside and then dropping your inboard elbow and putting your "chin-on-wrist", y'all can do any dance from a slow gyrating vertical entanglement to a quick spirited tango. She's a fun girl and after 24k miles, it's only getting better.

Thanks Steve, I am getting better at my 'pilot' skills with this 'B.

Quote Originally Posted by carpdm View Post
Looks like you have a great group to ride with. The B is a wonderful bike. Enjoy the ride.
Thanks carpdm! it was a great group, and a really fun ride. I recommend it to anyone.
