Quote Originally Posted by pilotguy299 View Post
Although I've still been in a funk over one particular young lady, I've been asking women out of the blue if they want to go for a ride. Out of 20+ that I've asked, only 1 has said no. All of the rest have said "Yes", and climbed on.

There's been the blonde girl in the white F250 at Jimmy Cone, the brunette in the silver BMW convertible by Hillcrest Drive, the other brunette walking by Rita's on Patrick, the cute black chick at the Wawa's on Crestwood, the brunette in the red Honda at Costco, the blonde at Sheetz by the airport, the really hot brunette that had just finished having lunch with a few of her friends at Isabella's (actually kept her number for a bit), and others.

I even got the brunette LPO from one of the local stores to go for a ride to nowhere with me. One really cute young mom on E 2nd in Frederick was smiling particularly hard at me. I would have stopped, but I'm not towing a stroller ever again...

The wiminz just seem to love the bike, and ev n when it's parked it seems to give them the tingles. Picking up hot chicks was a lot of fun, and although several of them expressed an interest in going further and "having a twirl" with me (2 of them came right out and said that they were DTF), I have no interest in a 4F. I actually felt a little 'blah' after each ride, because none of them have been the person I really want to be riding with.

And before 53driver asks "what about G67?"

Squawk 7500, left turn heading 180 until outside the ADIZ, then descend and maintain FL 00.0

Or in other words, she decided to move back in with her ex-husband and make his life miserable again! lol

Glad I held at RICKE...
Well, she's definitely "off the market" now, mate.
Never had to squawk that code - thankfully.
7600 a few times.
7700 was right out - I was too busy trying to disinfsckulate the situation.

If the craft is still airworthy, keep flying!
Remember: aviate, navigate, then communicate!
