Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
After I cleared the intersection I slowed down and kept turning and looking at him. He hung way back. As a matter of fact all of the traffic that was around me saw it and everyone was driving very slowly. Everyone seemed very polite.

I can't believe this guy did not tag my right rear. He was so close I thought I was going down in that intersection.

I think I am a very alert rider but this time I did not see this asshat until it was almost too late. And I was wearing my white helmet, high vis jacket and had my Headlight modulators on.

Absolutely surreal to me right now, how he did not see me.
Some MSF coaches have started a movement: to train kids to see motorcycles while in cars.
Drivers don't see us because they are not trained to look for us.
You know that the brain tells the eyes what to look for and not the other way around.
"Average" drivers will see a VW Beetle and think "slug bug" (or "punch buggy") because we were trained as little kids. These same drivers will not see motorcycles.

SO.....train your kids/grandkids not to play slug bug, but to play "Bike Like" and see how many motorcycles/bicycles they can see and at what distance.
Might hep the next generation....