I've mentioned in other threads my opinion of deer. They are a lot dumber then most hunters are willing to admit. Even so, over the years of living in deer country they have taught me a lot about how to drive. They taught me to not just focus on the road in front of me but to watch both sides of the road (especially in intersections)! They taught me what's in front of me might not jump out of the way when I confront them head on. They taught me to ride no faster then they can run when in their back yards. But most of all, like most drivers, they have proven just how dumb they can be!

Now considering how dumb deer are, and what I still haven't learned how to handle yet from the deer, is exactly what scares me the most on the roads. What is that thing coming from behind me. After all I've never heard of a biker being trampled by a deer from behind, yet. Like a deer in the headlights I'm not sure what to do!