Quote Originally Posted by Dirtstiff's F6B View Post
Nice work, Will. HOPE it comes back together well.
If I could use your plight for a quick story I'm proud to tell..
I had a little brother who was always described as off or had problems or just wasn't or going to be very brite....
When I was a kid, maybe 10, Dad started me racing minibikes. I wasn't very good but burned through several bikes that ended up going to my little brother as hand me downs. When I was done with em they were pretty well thrashed. Ok, to the point and Will's plight; my little bros, 6 or 7 year old at the time, who had the nickname of Mr. Destructo, given him by my dad.. We came home one afternoon only to find one of the discarded minibikes in a million pieces in the back yard, with Dads best tools scattered from he'll to breakfast. Oh shit, Dad was pissed, little bros got a wippin and it was a bad deal all around..
Next day though, we came home and Mr. Destruto had the mini back together and running better than it ever had...
The tools were put away and nothing to clean up. I saw my Dad cry over that deal and even heard him tell off the the psychiatric doctor who told my folks your son was slow and would never amount to much.
Before I lost him, he was designing natural gas, v12 compressor stations with only a hard fought high school education. Today was his birthday.
Thanks for the reminder.
Awesome story---thanks a ton for sharing.