Quote Originally Posted by Bdog View Post
A quick question to those that have tried both the Corbin and Ultimate seats. Does one set you lower on the bike than the other or are they about the same?

Last year at Biketoberfest I rode over to Ulitimate and had them pull off my Mustang seat and install an Ultimate Mid rider seat with backrest. I decided I needed a backrest after the ride down from Connecticut. The Mid rider pushed me so far forward my knees were almost against the Fairing and I was now looking way over my windshield. They make a nice seat but I was soo put off by the seating position I didn't even want to try the King seat. Ultimate did say their seats are set to put you at stock height. Seemed to me I was farther forward and up a bit from stock but I guess I should have also realized I needed to break in the seat maybe...

So when I got back home I bought a Corbin and that sat me just like the Mustang. Lower and back just a bit.

This is all just my take on the position, hope it helps