Hillary blames Comey for her loss

Yeah, that's exactly why she lost.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she wanted to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she wanted to destroy the 1st Amendment.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she is pro abortion, and pro late term abortion.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she has a major credibility issue.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she had her own email server to skirt the Freedom of Information Act.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she had her own email server to hide whatever she was doing.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she does not have the ability to tell the truth.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she thought another 4 years of Obama's policies were what America wanted.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she thinks the rules don't apply to her.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she felt entitled.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she was married to a perv.
Had nothing to do with the fact that she let people die in Benghazi.
Shall I go on?

And why hasn't she condemmed the violent protests?