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  1. #71
    Junior Member
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    very well said

    Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
    We have to make some compromises for the good of all. Not everyone is going to be happy with everything. As much as we all want to take a hard stance on whatever our views are if we don't find away to address other points of view and multiple concerns we don't alleviate the problem and just exasperate the BS even further. We as a country spend so much time and energy rehashing the same shit that we're not addressing the real issues.

    You either believe an abortion is murder or you don't - Separation of church and state, whether you believe its murder or not the law of the land says it's legal. If you and yours truly believe it's murder then don't get one, however stop trying to deny that right to those who don't. It's safer and healthier for all involved and we have more than enough breeders in this country to make up the difference.

    You either believe in open borders or you don't - We can have open borders, most everyone is welcome to visit. Please leave when your time is up though. Their are plenty of legal ways to stay and our quotas of convenience store clerks and taxi cab drivers are full. We also have more than enough unskilled laborers or migratory workers. Apply for the appropriate VISA and go from there. H1B visa's need to be done away with.

    You either believe you have a right to keep and wear arms or you don't (The proper translation of "bear") - Again, whether you believe in it or not it's the law of the land. Don't you worry about what I keep in my house or carry on my person. My one caveat here is that CC permits should be universal like drivers licenses and we should have to take a course and prove our knowledge like a drivers license. Entirely to many people, myself included, do not fully understand the rights and responsibility that come with the right to bear arms. If your going to have a CC and use it you should really prove you understand what you can and can't do in the name of self defense.

    I agree with most of what you say Taxfree4, I just think we can get there a better way than ramming it down everyone's throat. Unfortunately far to many people want it their way with no regards to others and have their noses in everybody else's business. People seem to forget that we can have differing opinions yet still be neighbors and go about our daily lives without rioting because we didn't get our way.

  2. #72
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
    We have to make some compromises for the good of all. Not everyone is going to be happy with everything. As much as we all want to take a hard stance on whatever our views are if we don't find away to address other points of view and multiple concerns we don't alleviate the problem and just exasperate the BS even further. We as a country spend so much time and energy rehashing the same shit that we're not addressing the real issues.

    You either believe an abortion is murder or you don't - Separation of church and state, whether you believe its murder or not the law of the land says it's legal. If you and yours truly believe it's murder then don't get one, however stop trying to deny that right to those who don't. It's safer and healthier for all involved and we have more than enough breeders in this country to make up the difference.

    You either believe in open borders or you don't - We can have open borders, most everyone is welcome to visit. Please leave when your time is up though. Their are plenty of legal ways to stay and our quotas of convenience store clerks and taxi cab drivers are full. We also have more than enough unskilled laborers or migratory workers. Apply for the appropriate VISA and go from there. H1B visa's need to be done away with.

    You either believe you have a right to keep and wear arms or you don't (The proper translation of "bear") - Again, whether you believe in it or not it's the law of the land. Don't you worry about what I keep in my house or carry on my person. My one caveat here is that CC permits should be universal like drivers licenses and we should have to take a course and prove our knowledge like a drivers license. Entirely to many people, myself included, do not fully understand the rights and responsibility that come with the right to bear arms. If your going to have a CC and use it you should really prove you understand what you can and can't do in the name of self defense.

    I agree with most of what you say Taxfree4, I just think we can get there a better way than ramming it down everyone's throat. Unfortunately far to many people want it their way with no regards to others and have their noses in everybody else's business. People seem to forget that we can have differing opinions yet still be neighbors and go about our daily lives without rioting because we didn't get our way.
    My point in stating those 3 is that there is no compromise when it comes to life (abortion), liberty (right to bear arms) or living in a sovereign nation (open borders). How do you compromise life? It's OK to have an abortion at 2 weeks but we draw the line at 4 months. IF you believe life begins at conception then it can't begin anywhere else. And this has nothing to do with church and state, which appears nowhere in the constitution, many atheists are pro life and by the same token many religious people have had abortions. And just because 7 lawyers said it was OK to kill a baby in the womb didn't miraculously make it ok since the Supreme Court also said that because Dred Scott was a African slave he had no standing to sue, so they get it wrong sometimes.

    When you compromise on open borders you get HIB visas, you get catch and release, anchor babies, sanctuary cities, you get illegals getting arrested and released to terrorize communities and because of the compromise given on restrictive gun laws on the right to bear arms, which unlike abortion didn't have to be found 184 years after the Constitution was ratified, you aren't allowed to protect your family.

    Liberals never compromise they don't give an inch they wait for spineless Republicans i.e. Romney, Bush, McCain et. al. to fold like a cheap camera, which they usually do. They will try to make Trump compromise on his core issues and if he does he will be a one term forgotten president but if he doesn't budge and follows through with them he will enjoy an even bigger landslide in 2020.

    Next time you're at a wedding pay attention to what the priest/preacher/rabbi says after the couple exchange their vows. "By the power vested in me by the STATE of _________...) Why is a religious man saying, in a house of worship with power vested (legal term meaning absolute) by a state not saying by the power of God, Jesus Christ, the Pope, the Church etc.? Because he is an agent for the state, there is no separation.

  3. #73
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    BHO's immigration policy ...

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  4. #74
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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  5. #75
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Awesome looking First Family

    Awesome looking First Family

    21 years Army (retired)
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  6. #76
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    I like that Trump feels compelled to dress appropriately every time he is in public. I hope I don't see him like the current resident getting on and off my USAF 747 looking like trash that just finished shopping at Dollar General. Presidency is a 24 hour job and should be portrayed with such importance. First check box is appearance. Don't believe we will see Trump chewing gum walking into an important world meeting.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  7. #77
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Tony, I like her in red or black number if you have with a little more cleavage, anyway, if you think about it Hillary did make history: She's the only presidential candidate to lose TWO elections.

  8. #78
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Tony, I like her in red or black number if you have with a little more cleavage, anyway, if you think about it Hillary did make history: She's the only presidential candidate to lose TWO elections.
    Copy That

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  9. #79
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Copy That
    The gift that keeps on giving, that reminds me I need milk.

  10. #80
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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