Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
Religion has no place in politics, laws need to adapt with the times, unless your going to force the lazy welfare Americans to do actual work you need the migrant workers like we always have.
I don't know where you get this information from but religion is, has and will always be part of politics. It is the basis of law, the UCC is based directly on the Code of Canon Law. It is the cornerstone of all the founding documents, Congress opens each session with a prayer, the President and all of Congress has to be sworn in before taking office with the last words being "... so help me God" When you go to court, you're in church whether you know it or not. As far as those workers go don't give them unemployment for 99 weeks and they'll be in those fine, those migrants drive down wages and automation will soon replace them. BTW, never see illegals standing outside a coal mine to work. Americans do the jobs illegals don't have the balls to.