Quote Originally Posted by dkooris View Post
I agree. As a gun owner, no one came to take my guns, HC proposed absolutely NOTHING about abolishing the 2nd amendment. Heard the same ridiculous stuff about President Obama. Unless I just didn't hear the black helicopters, nothing happened. I have nothing against universal background checks. Even Wayne LaPierre used to support them, until the political winds changed. I wish everyone would just.calm.down.I think bringing in Steve Bannon is a disaster, but in the end, I believe it's a smokescreen for Trump and his friends to milk the Presidency of our country like a cash cow on a scale never before seen.

Geoff in CT

Quote Originally Posted by Davidk View Post
Really? Really? Try paying closer attention.
Agree. That lying, deceiving, treasonous bitch was on record with feeling out Australian type "gun control" as possibly applicable in the United States; and testing the waters to see if it had possibility.

All of the Elmer Fudd's out there are seriously clueless as to how far she was going to run with it.

Make NO MISTAKE about the bullet we dodged with her dismissal from the U.S. Presidency. Thank frikken Gawd.