Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
Zero anger here. Pure elation. Heck, Trump is only two weeks elect and I have cleaned up quite tidy in the market that the left continually pummeled America with the fact that we were going into the WORST depression. How ignorant can they be? A business man with hundreds of successful businesses (a minuscule few actually went bankrupt, which is not illegal) is elected President and he won't put a pump in the economy? Hardly responsible to the citizenry. Maybe they are in business themselves and not telling the truth is their business. What a shame. I would buy stock in battery makers, because the lefts predictor machines are all broken. Why would I listen to a word from any, ANY media source?

You sir as well have a great Thanksgiving. And I hope you put more energy towards the true hate mongerers of this country. It ain'tnot us, we is HAPPY!
The market always prevails, I have no complaints here. My religious teachings and personal directives tell me that hate only damages the hater, so I put no energy into that. Our time on this earth is brief, we have many blessings to celebrate. Hope to meet some day and break bread together. May HaShem find favour for you and yours. Good health to you.
