Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post

Marc, you can do better then this. This kind of posting is as valuable as my used toilet paper.

I travel quite a bit and I have laughed many times at individuals that felt compelled to criticize Bush with absolutely zero experience of living through the Bush years themselves. I lived through the Bush years and did very well until 2006 when congress changed it's leadership to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, that was when the U.S. economy started to tank, the rest of the world followed suit shortly thereafter and many countries today are still trying to recover AND Bush had nothing to do with their demise. I did suffer as most of the country did after September 11th for quite a while when everyone was reluctant to invest their capital because of the unknown future.

This country came together after September 11th and yes, like or not .... Bush was a big part of getting this economy back on track. NO OTHER country in the world could have suffered such a hard financial hit and come back as fast as we did. I can tell you this ... if the United States of America is doing well ... the rest of the world does well, if we are not doing well ... neither is the rest of the world, that is a fact. If New Zealand ever needs help, I would bet that our White House phone would be ringing off the hook and not China's presidents phone.

I dont criticize or compliment foreign governments with the exception of those that I have lived under or done business with. I just lived through the most difficult 8 years of my life. I, like many others are worse off today then we were 10 years ago, that is reality not just a joke. I used to be a philanthropist until the government in recent years felt that they could spread my wealth better than I could. I vote for and support anyone that I feel has the experience and ability to lead this country regardless of their party affiliation. Stupid "one-liners" are not what most intelligent and successful individuals use to make their decisions to vote by. For me, the Bush years were great.

When my bank accounts get a HARD-ON ... and I see them grow bigger .... that there is indeed orgasmic reality and all other pleasures follow behind.

Time to go out for a ride .... later
Sorry to have offended you, but I also read that the US economy was in a very good shape at the time of Clinton... The hard part of your election is that you have to chose between only two candidates (and yes I dislike both of them). As for Bush, his legacy is the states the World is in, especially the middle east, all that on a whim to get rid of a dangerous despot with a false argument that Iraq was developing biological and nuclear weapons .Look at the result...
But you are right: war create jobs.