Quote Originally Posted by MarcPW View Post
Sorry to have offended you, but I also read that the US economy was in a very good shape at the time of Clinton... The hard part of your election is that you have to chose between only two candidates (and yes I dislike both of them). As for Bush, his legacy is the states the World is in, especially the middle east, all that on a whim to get rid of a dangerous despot with a false argument that Iraq was developing biological and nuclear weapons .Look at the result...
But you are right: war create jobs.
Not offended, just gets old to hear criticism that is not deserved regardless who the recipient is.
Ahhh the Clinton Years ...
Reality is that it took REAGAN'S policies 3 years to gain traction and us to see some measurable results hence his re-election where he won 49 out of 50 states (see attachment). Reagans policies in the 80's were great for the USA, Bush senior was not a Reagan but Reagan's policies continued to flourish through part of the Clinton Years. We started to see Clintons negative effects at the end of his third year with taxes galore , his competitor Bob Dole was NOT the best qualified Republican for the job however he was given the nod due to his seniority which was a deadly decision and Bob Dole dint know what the heck he was doing. It was the DOT.COM boom that carried Clinton for a while, his last 2 years were not good hence Bush Junior beating Al Gore (another Bob Dole).

The world placed itself in the condition that it's in, easy to blame someone else rather then yourself. Time to take responsibility for your own actions. How could a president that so many of you International Elites compared his intelligence to a monkey have so much power over 186 countries (or whatever the count is now) what does that say about the intelligence about the rest of the world using your arguments?

The Middle East has been fighting themselves for 100's of years, you quickly forgot the Iraq-Iran war and didn't quote that nearly 1.5 MILLION people died in that war before Bush. Although terrible its been estimated that since Bush's war in Iraq started in 2003 approximately 500,000 people have died. Where is your outcry for the atrocities before Bush?

As far as war creates jobs ... you are partially correct however it is insignificant in relation to our entire countries work force. We have 1,400,000 Americans in active military duty with 800,000 in the Reserves. Approximately 1.5 million Americans work in companies that supply the military, (3.7 million total). We have a population reaching 320 million with a workforce of 160 million and you think the Iraq war employed and benefitted many Americans? You're hallucinating. Thank goodness that America has created other industries, technologies, medicines and is on the leading edge of future technologies that employ the rest of our population that can find work.

Explain to me the results of what Saudi Arabia, Iran and all of those countries that have been supporting the suppression of freedoms to their populations and how the world has benefitted from their backwards thinking and beliefs. Who do you blame that on.... Bush also?

Our new president-elect will not see his policies flourish for at least 2-3 years, sadly 2017 and part of 2018 will continue on the current course set by the current administration. Under the current administration the Chinese, the Iranians, The North Koreans and the Russians have been emboldened to do what ever they want particularly in your backyard and you New Zealenders can't do and won't do Squat about it. It's the US Navy that has ruffled the Chinese by sailing through international waters wrongfully claimed by the Chinese, everyone is in a uproar in your neighborhood yet It's the American Military machine with the wet noodle commander in chief that is still feared by the Chinese.

It's actually refreshing to hear a president elect tell the world to get ready and defend yourselves with your OWN money, Americans are tired of spending money all over the world. It's refreshing to hear a president elect that knows how to negotiate intelligent agreements unlike the recent Iran nuclear deal that isn't a deal for the rest of the world.

We DON'T blame anyone else outside our country's boundary for our failures and lack luster performance, so don't blame us for your failures. America is great because our population keeps doing and repeating what has made us great. Once in a while we stumble, trip, fall and hit our head on the ground .... which requires a little bit of time for us to come back to our senses ...