Quote Originally Posted by Bigcityd View Post
The price tag says 9,999.00. I've never paid full price for any vehicle.
Get them to do the services for you and get the delivery and get them to give 90-120 days of buyers remorse coverage. That way if the bike is a lemon, it'll show up in that time frame and you can take it back. Good looking bike too.
Well I don't know about problems showing up in 90-120 days, as it's snowing here and I wont get to ride it until at least March/April.

At a minimum I will have them replace the air filter. I'd pay to upgrade it to a K&N (I assume you guys recommend that?) as long as they throw in the labor! I know it sounds like I'm not thrilled to get the used bike but I am. Of course I would rather have the new one, but it just doesn't seem very wise to spend over 50% more for the new one than the used one. I guess I'm just a bit hesitant because I'm buying the bike sight unseen. I've purchased 2 other bikes in the past sight unseen, one new, one used, and everything turned out great, so I need to talk to the dealer more to see what they can do to alleviate my fears. Surely they can sweeten the pot a bit, right? One way or another I'll be getting an F6B soon. Most likely the red one. 29,000 miles is nothing for this engine. I'm just not sure 29,000 fewer miles and a 3 year warranty are worth another $5500.

Stay tuned! Thanks for all of the advice guys!