Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
From taking a 160 mile ride in the latter days of November in Mid to high 60 degree temps to this morning---at 5 degrees with a wind chill of minus 15 degrees. Yes winter has arrived in the frozen north country and doing a fine job of it I must admit. Been out with the lawn tractor sporting a fine snowblower several times already and the B is hiding in the back of the garage covered up with it fine Champion cover with the heater bar underneath it to keep her warm and so she doesn't shiver as much as her owner. Got to love this country to live here for sure and I would surely miss the seasons if I moved into a warmer climate.
Don't over estimate your ability to adapt. I spent many youthful years in Roseville, MN, and 14 of the last 16 in Philly.
Yes, fall is pretty. Spring is truly a necessary time of renewal. Summers were hot with mosquitoes that were under Air Traffic Control.
Winter, snow throwers, chilled to the bone, toys 'put up' for the season....

Living in Florida for a year now?
No winter snow, no need for a spring "renewal", I hit the Georgia mountains for fall and see pretty colors, and summer is hot with more than a few insects.
But all the money I spent on snow removal devices, lawn tractor maintenance, and gas is now going to motorcycles.
Cold weather clothing funds are buying motorcycle gear and clothing. Which I use 24/7/365.
Reallocating funding resources to more fun things than snow removal was rewarding!

I'm not gloating, bragging, or boasting; I'm just finding adapting quite easy.

PS - Time to get geared up for a ride to Lowe's. Need some grass seed.....