For a number of years I tried living in FL., Key West, to be exact, but I remember all too well from mid June to mid October it being too hot to even think about going out side during daylight hours (and that is my favored time to ride ). Lost four months every year. There ain't no heaven here but I prefer to wait for "H". Unfortunately, no matter what anybody tells you I'm pretty sure there ain't no heaven on this earth!!

All things considered I still like Christmas here the best with all the hub bub of the big city, I don't even mind the snow. After all with today's equipment it's easy enough to clear the driveway . And remember you don't dare do the roof, After all Santa needs a place to land and I need the presents.

After the holidays I'll just light the fire in the garage warm it up and try to get some of the long planned bike projects done. I hope they don't interfere with the sportsman shows, bike shows, gun shows. etc. etc. Now remember after all this, I only have 2 months left before I have to start riding again.
Dang it I'll never have enough time to get all these projects done and still have time to enjoy the Lazy-boy that's next to the bar in the garage. I'm going to have to give something up so I can relax and utilize the location of the Lazy-boy to compare it to the Mustang with the bar near by. Once I start riding I won't be able to drink and fairly compare the comforts of the Lazy-boy with bar to the Mustang with out