Quote Originally Posted by tiltingf6b View Post
It is a good quote and an offshoot from a biblical reference. Jefferson also liked having slaves for cheap labor and having sex with his favorite Slave Sally. That does not detract from his brilliance as a founding father or as a well written deist.
My point?
Times change, nations change and the needs of those nations evolve as do the people for many different reasons. Weapons have changed. At one time a militia was a useful thing - today it's more of an absurdity like an irritating flea on a dogs back. Nothing sillier than a bunch of grown men in hot wool reenacting the civil war in the south. Oh well.
Gun ownership should be moderated by common sense not obsessions.
They do it in the north as well. Again you are ignorant.


Once again you instill a thought against a group as absurd. What do you do for recreation? I'm sure it's absurd.