Well, I have to say is that "don't let the door hit him, where the good lord split him"

For the first time in my life, I was embarrassed to be an American; while he was in office. On overseas vacations that I took a few times, me and my wife took great care to conceal our national identities; after overhearing critical conversations from other nationals concerning our country and their opinion of it.

1. He didn’t heal our racial divisions. He actually worsened them. He had the best chance of all recent Presidents to improve them, and he fuc$ing BLEW IT with his irresponsible and untimely remarks.
2. Obamacare is a boondoggle. More Americans have been hurt by it, than helped. Promises were broken to the American people from his introduction of it.
3. The stimulus didn’t stimulate. Hundreds of billions of dollars were voted for "shovel ready" projects and the money disappeared without a trace
4. Obama failed to reform immigration. He hasn’t cracked down on illegal immigration, he hasn’t legalized it, and he hasn’t forged any kind of compromise or consensus on the issue. Nobody is happy and nothing has been accomplished.
5. He withdrew prematurely from Iraq. ISIL resulted from that.
6. He has made America irrelevant. No U.S. President in history has made such an overt show of self admonishment and apologetic behavior on the International stage. Our country is ridiculed in many nations because of that.
7. He is an narcissist. He has been abnormally preoccupied with leaving "a Legacy"

Obama was originally elected on the basis of celebrity, on vague slogans about “hope and change,” on a sense of self-congratulatory smugness about how progressive and enlightened we would all be if we voted for him.

I dare say, that I will walk a little taller and much more proud; once Trump takes the helm of leadership for our country. He wasn't the best choice, but was a hands down choice for me; compared to that evil, crooked, angry bitch whom wanted to continue to drive our country into a failed and weakened state.