Tried posting this three times. Here is the short version: get an amp with a DSP to really get the most out of these speakers. I was running bi-amp 130W RMS @12v to each speaker (left woofer, left tweeter, right woofer, right tweeter.) According to the specs, if you bypass the limiter, you can technically get 170W RMS @ 14.4v per channel but at 10x the THD.

output 1+ & 2- went to the left tweeter, output 3+ and 4- to left woofer. output 5+& 6- to right tweeter, output 7+ and 8- to right woofer.

If you get an amp with DSP, you can skip installing the two crossovers and you get the benefit of each speaker get's its own power. When the kick drum/bass hits, your tweeters can still use full power for the cymbals & that female voice's sexy breathy sounds. If you use a standard two channel amp, it's like you are taking a shower and someone flushes the toilet. The water pressure drops, and you can't wash the soap out of your hair, and the temperature difference is like the crispness of the highs being washed out. That is not 100% accurate but gets the point across. It's a couple hundred more, but it's so worth it. Ask any professional sound installer/ sound engineer. Ask them if they want to run two-way passive or two-way active. Any sound engineers in here who can back me? preferably one who heard my system (that wasn't even dialed in completely.)

Attachment 25248Attachment 25249Attachment 25250Attachment 25251

Some options. Note: I have no experience or opinion of anything but the Audison. Audison is at the same level as these Hertz speakers - competition level. The others, your mileage may vary. Spend the extra couple hundred over the Arc and gain SO much more control, accuracy, etc. For example, I have a controller with two settings, one for when my bike is parked (maximum performance) and one for when I am riding (not as accurate, less bass but more power for volume.)
Audison 8.9
Audison 4.9 (half the power, same DSP)
Match PP82DSP
AudioControl DM-810 (DSP only, no amp Audison makes an alternative as well. This could be added to a 4-channel power amp to give similar capability)