Thank You Limbuck..... to answer the query... there are to many variables...starting with road conditions, bike conditions, how you are feeling that day and so on and on....

No real mystery here... just tried and true...look thru the corner, if coming in to hot use front brake to scrub some speed and bend that bike over... I am not a good person to get advise here..been riding to long and have many good and bad habits...

I will say that when flat landers go to the mountains usually bad things happen... here in Fl if the curve is marked 20 you can do 40..if you are good, 60 and if really good more... usually in the mountains for the first few trips or days the curve speed is all you want...( I still have issues with blind curves )...figure it out and begin to increase speed when ability has increased...I have used the term, " current " before...current means you do whatever often enough that there are no issues.... Sadly, I don't get up to the mountains as often as possible, so although maybe above average I also am no longer a speed demon... add that to a couple of friends dead and you will slow down. At my age I have nothing to prove to anyone and don't care. How ever I do like speed !

I also believe if you don't scare yourself or increase blood flow , what is the use of living!!!

Bottom line, ride your ride...period this ain' kinder garden and no one needs to impress anyone else...

If you are looking for advise as far as cornering..... here is my best advise..... go to a large parking lot, get the bike in third gear, and do circles, 10 left, 10 gas, no clutch just bend the bike over and do circles..... now get the peg on the ground and drag the peg...full circle 10 right 10 left.....when you can do that, do it in second gear..... to boring go back to third gear and take one hand off the bar, 10 right 10 left....your confidence level will be sky high and most if not all fear gone...then go to Franklin....