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Thread: Dont mess around

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Maybe its a NY thing but people get confused about arrogance and confidence. I myself have been castigated for my supposed "abrasive" style but this is just how NYers talk. What's the difference if he says, like a typical politician, " I would like to assemble a commitee to look into further supporting the legal entry of our Mexican neighbors and try and discourage those well-meaning and good intentioned individuals trying to access a better life for their families in not the best of ways." and "I will build a wall to keep those murderous and felonious illegal cocksuckers (emphasis added by taxfree4) from siphoning off hard earned tax money that should be going to legal Americans."

    He was elected precisely because he was NOT a politician and he didn't talk the milquetoast bullshit that they do. He has to go after the media because if you don't correct the record immediately and vigorously people will think the story is true. And the way you do that is to go around the media is by Twitter so the more Twitter the better. I think he is a little too soft and he should go hardcore full bore. Don't forget these cocksuckers like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Reince Preivus have more in common with Chuck "the serpent" Schumer than they do with Donald Trump and I think they are colluding with Dems to see that another outsider NEVER gets into their sandbox again. In the meanwhile I hope he continues in hammering the MSM, building the wall and banging Melania.

    Well said!! Those "lifer" swamp polititans on both sides of the isle, are scared to death, because Trump has disrupted their personal cushy lavish lifestyles. Heaven forbid, they may have to go back to their respective states, and get a real job. Same goes for the stupid media. They hate Trumps' "tweets", because people learn what's happening, without "them". They are becoming irrelevant! Never in my 62 years, have I ever seen such scrutiny over every single word a President speaks. The media, twists, turns, makes up fake stories, constantly, just to try and throw President Trump off balance. He said he was going to drain the swamp, and I hope he does!

  2. #12
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
    Well said!! Those "lifer" swamp polititans on both sides of the isle, are scared to death, because Trump has disrupted their personal cushy lavish lifestyles. Heaven forbid, they may have to go back to their respective states, and get a real job. Same goes for the stupid media. They hate Trumps' "tweets", because people learn what's happening, without "them". They are becoming irrelevant! Never in my 62 years, have I ever seen such scrutiny over every single word a President speaks. The media, twists, turns, makes up fake stories, constantly, just to try and throw President Trump off balance. He said he was going to drain the swamp, and I hope he does!

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  3. #13
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
    I don't where you get these but they are beauties, BTW Larry not to get off topic but the Helibars will be here Friday

  4. #14
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Larry, for a minute I thought I had a bug on my IPad....

    21 years Army (retired)
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  5. #15

    Agree in soo many respects - yet

    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Maybe its a NY thing but people get confused about arrogance and confidence. I myself have been castigated for my supposed "abrasive" style but this is just how NYers talk. What's the difference if he says, like a typical politician, " I would like to assemble a commitee to look into further supporting the legal entry of our Mexican neighbors and try and discourage those well-meaning and good intentioned individuals trying to access a better life for their families in not the best of ways." and "I will build a wall to keep those murderous and felonious illegal cocksuckers (emphasis added by taxfree4) from siphoning off hard earned tax money that should be going to legal Americans." Same church different pew. Get over it if you were a multi-billionaire with a wife like Melania AND you were president you'd be one confident prick yourself. I'm not any of those things and I'm confident and yes maybe a little arrogant, so what.

    He was elected precisely because he was NOT a politician and he didn't talk the milquetoast bullshit that they do. He has to go after the media because if you don't correct the record immediately and vigorously people will think the story is true. And the way you do that is to go around the media is by Twitter so the more Twitter the better. I think he is a little too soft and he should go hardcore full bore. Don't forget these cocksuckers like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Reince Preivus have more in common with Chuck "the serpent" Schumer than they do with Donald Trump and I think they are colluding with Dems to see that another outsider NEVER gets into their sandbox again. In the meanwhile I hope he continues in hammering the MSM, building the wall and banging Melania.
    I agree with you on many levels - BUT - with all the brilliant minds we have in this country we should be able to bring one forward that knows how to talk, and, when to keep his mouth shut. Transparency at multiple levels (like taxes and business partners) would be helpful also, lest we all jump into bed with the devil. Language choice and use directly reflects both emotional I.Q an solid communication skills. We don't need leaders that use adverbs where nouns belong or nouns where verbs belong. While language tends to evolve with time and social movements the ill use of language reflects little more than a type of verbal laziness or a lack of ability to use the mind correctly. I love my New York Buddies but they know HOW to talk when they want to. Donald - well I haven't seen or "heard" him do anything much beyond the guttural grunts with a new spin. Politics suck as a whole - guess that's why the brilliant minds stay the hell away from it. The Newly appointed special prosecutor into this whole Trump admin / Russia mess is sure to make his tax records public because you know what they say and do - FOLLOW THE MONEY - All this is such a shame because our country has a lot of important business to take care of - like cutting deals with japan to make more F6B's

  6. #16
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rudymsmith View Post
    I agree with you on many levels - BUT - with all the brilliant minds we have in this country we should be able to bring one forward that knows how to talk, and, when to keep his mouth shut. Transparency at multiple levels (like taxes and business partners) would be helpful also, lest we all jump into bed with the devil. Language choice and use directly reflects both emotional I.Q an solid communication skills. We don't need leaders that use adverbs where nouns belong or nouns where verbs belong. While language tends to evolve with time and social movements the ill use of language reflects little more than a type of verbal laziness or a lack of ability to use the mind correctly. I love my New York Buddies but they know HOW to talk when they want to. Donald - well I haven't seen or "heard" him do anything much beyond the guttural grunts with a new spin. Politics suck as a whole - guess that's why the brilliant minds stay the hell away from it. The Newly appointed special prosecutor into this whole Trump admin / Russia mess is sure to make his tax records public because you know what they say and do - FOLLOW THE MONEY - All this is such a shame because our country has a lot of important business to take care of - like cutting deals with japan to make more F6B's
    You have to decide what you want, Jimmy Carter was probably the best educated most well spoken presidents we ever had, he was fuckin disaster as a president. Spoke well and articulate, like Obama another disaster, but the Iranians understood he had no balls and took our hostages. Then the dummy has a failed rescue operation to save them, a disaster. He pardons, on his second day in office, the traitors who deserted during the Vietnam War. His sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, was the highest ranking witch in America but that's another story. The economy was horrendous interest rates skyrockrting etc. etc. etc.

    President Trump competed and dominated in the most vicious, backstabbing real estate market in the world. You can't expect him to sound like Mr. Rogers when he's living in the belly of the beast and competing with vipers. One little hint of weakness and they come in like vultures. Call it what you want symbolism over substance, form over function I don't give a shit if he sounds like Elmer Fudd as long as he lowers taxes, builds a wall to keep these leeches out (illegal immigration down 70% at the border), slaughters those muslim dogs of ISIS and shows Melania in a new dress once a week. As far as tax returns that diesel dike Rachel Maddow tried that and it blew up in her face (probably the first time she ever got a facial from a man) also NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIS TAX RETURNS. Like Clinton, what two consenting adults, President Trump and his accountant, do in private is none of our business, let's give them their privacy.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    Larry was having trouble in school, and his teacher was always yelling at him saying "You're driving me crazy Larry ! Can't you learn anything? "One day Larry's mother came to school to see how he was doing. The teacher told her frankly that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant boy in her entire teaching career. Larry's mother was shocked at the feedback from the teacher. She withdrew her son from the school and moved out of Detroit relocating to Cleveland. Twenty five years later, the teacher was diagnosed with irreversible cardiac disease. Her doctors all strongly advised that she have an open heart procedure which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation which was remarkably successful. When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw the handsome young doctor who headed her surgical team smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand trying to tell him something but quickly arrested. A prolonged resuscitation attempt was unsuccessful. The doctor was shocked wondering what had happened and why she had deteriorated so rapidly. As he turned around to leave the room he saw that Larry now a janitor at the Clinic had unplugged the life support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.

    If you thought that Larry had become a heart surgeon, there is a high likelihood that you VOTED for Hillary.
    If you are not part of the solution, YOU are the problem.

    Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.

  8. #18
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidk View Post
    Larry was having trouble in school, and his teacher was always yelling at him saying "You're driving me crazy Larry ! Can't you learn anything? "One day Larry's mother came to school to see how he was doing. The teacher told her frankly that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant boy in her entire teaching career. Larry's mother was shocked at the feedback from the teacher. She withdrew her son from the school and moved out of Detroit relocating to Cleveland. Twenty five years later, the teacher was diagnosed with irreversible cardiac disease. Her doctors all strongly advised that she have an open heart procedure which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation which was remarkably successful. When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw the handsome young doctor who headed her surgical team smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand trying to tell him something but quickly arrested. A prolonged resuscitation attempt was unsuccessful. The doctor was shocked wondering what had happened and why she had deteriorated so rapidly. As he turned around to leave the room he saw that Larry now a janitor at the Clinic had unplugged the life support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.

    If you thought that Larry had become a heart surgeon, there is a high likelihood that you VOTED for Hillary.

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
    Boy, you sure put a spin on that...
    Ha, is that what you call it? I call it more unsubstantiated propaganda from leftists that get their info. from media outlets that spread rumors from "reliable anonymous" sources and have no idea on how to report the news without bias.

    Addressing the original post, you have 2 witnesses in that room that say otherwise. I guess their liars because they don't fit you preconceived conclusion? Comey clearly stated HRC passed confidential information and she should be charged with treason. Comey wasn't a stand up guy but he did report that to congress.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
    Standing chest deep in alligators tends to make draining the swamp very difficult.

    Riding a Goldwing is like opening a can of testosterone.
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