Ever since the I can remember there was that blue,white, kaki uniform hanging in my father's room.
I knew from old pictures and his missing my high school graduation when he had served.
It was not until I sat next to him in Bethesda Naval hospital what the man I called Dad had been through.
I was lucky enough to hear about all the islands in WW2 the heat and cold in Korea, and what he called
the damned frustration in Vietnam.
Guess he just wanted me to know why he gave me the advice he did and why I would hear him yelling
I AM COMING , I am coming in his sleep.
He let me know that the Marines did not have medics like the Army, they use Navy Corps man for
for their medical person in each squad.
That is what he did through what he and I both call three wars.
He said Anytime they are shooting at you ,it,s a war